Police Union Leader Wade Burns Secures Landslide Re-election

Police Association of South Australia

Police Association members have delivered a landslide re-election victory to incumbent president Wade Burns.

The Australian Electoral Commission results show President Burns received nearly 70% of the votes ahead of rival candidate Trevor Rea.

The result came after President Burns led the association to a landmark enterprise bargaining outcome last December after only five months in the top job — the best comparative EB outcome for members since 1995.

President Burns thanked members for their support and said he intends to continue pursuing the issues that matter most to them.

"I'm incredibly grateful to have such a clear and overwhelming endorsement from members," he said.

"I think that support is a strong reflection of the wins the Police Association has been able to secure in recent times and the direction in which we're heading.

"I'm looking forward to working with the new committee and continuing that momentum."

The Police Association congratulates the other elected candidates:

Secretary: Tony Coad

Deputy President: Chris Walkley

Vice-President: Paulene Porter

Committee members:

Mardi Ludgate

Leonie Schulz

Julian Snowden

Bryan Whitehorn

Michael Kent

Samanda Brain

Zac Cook

Simon Haebich

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