Police Update 2: Homicide Investigation At Gatton

A 53-year-old man has had his charges upgraded following an investigation into the death of a man in Gatton last year.

Emergency services were called to a Hood Street address between 6pm and 7pm on Thursday April 25, 2024, following reports a man had allegedly been assaulted.

Upon arrival, a 76-year-old man was located with serious injuries and was transported to Toowoomba Hospital.

The man appeared to be recovering from his injuries before his condition rapidly deteriorated, and he passed away on Sunday, May 5.

A 53-year-old Gatton man was initially charged with a number of offences including one count each of enter dwelling with intent by break at night, deprivation of liberty, acts intended to cause grievous bodily harm and wilful damage.

Following further investigations by the Gatton Criminal Investigation Branch, detectives have now charged the man with murder.

The 53-year-old man remains in custody and is due to appear in the Ipswich Magistrates Court on April 2, 2025.

Earlier: Homicide investigation, Gatton – Queensland Police News

Update 1: Homicide investigation, Gatton – Queensland Police News

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