Police Update: Concern For Welfare - Mataranka Area

Northern Territory Police are continuing enquiries to locate 66-year-old Noel Davey.

Noel is believed to have been travelling from Tennant Creek to Darwin in a white Renault van with NSW registration FCH47A.

The vehicle was last seen travelling north on the Stuart Highway near Mataranka on 22 June 2024 around 5pm.

To date there have been no sightings of Noel or his vehicle, and police hold concerns for his welfare.

He is described as being of Caucasian appearance with grey-white hair.

Police have escalated search measures with members of the Search and Rescue Section being deployed to conduct systematic efforts in co-ordination with local police to locate Noel, including utilisation of a helicopter between the Katherine and Mataranka areas.

Anyone who may have any information regarding the whereabouts of Noel, including dashcam or CCTV footage of his vehicle, please contact police on 131 444 and quote reference NTP240062046.

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