Police Update: Robbery And UUMV Charges At Emerald

Detectives from the Emerald Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) have charged two men in relation to property offences in December last year.

It will be alleged around 1.15am on December 3, a stolen Toyota Landcruiser deliberately rammed through the front of a shop within a shopping centre on Capricornia Highway and Codenwarra Road in Emerald.

It will be further alleged there was extensive damage caused to the shopping centre and business within the complex and a large quantity of items were stolen before the offender fled the scene on foot.

Following extensive investigations, a 38-year-old Lockyer Waters man was arrested by Acacia Ridge police on behalf of Emerald CIB detectives on February 26, in relation to an arrest warrant for the incident.

He was charged with one count each of enter premises with intent to commit indictable offence, enter premises and commit indictable offence by break, and unlawful use of a motor vehicle.

Investigators also identified a 35-year-old Duaringa man as being involved and he has also been charged with one count each of enter premises with intent to commit indictable offence, enter premises and commit indictable offence by break, unlawful use of a motor vehicle, possessing/acquiring restricted items, and failure to take reason care and precautions in respect of syringe or needle.

Further investigations also established the 38-year-old man was also responsible for an earlier burglary of a premises on Small Street in Emerald on July 27, 2024 where a large safe was stolen.

The 38-year-old man has been remanded in custody to appear before the Emerald Magistrates Court on March 11.

The 35-year-old man is due to appear before the Emerald Magistrates Court on March 28.


Appeal for information: Break and enter, Emerald – Rockhampton

Appeal: Robbery and UUMV, Emerald – Queensland Police News

Quote this reference number: QP2402067064

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