Police Urge E-Scooter, E-Bike Riders: Prioritize Safety

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is calling on the community to take Personal Mobility Device (PMD) laws seriously, as thousands of e-scooter and e-bike riders continue to use the devices in prohibited areas, putting themselves and others at risk.

Between November 2022 and December 2024, more than 2,700 infringements were issued to PMD riders for illegal road use.

During this same period, helmet offences, illegal road use, and carrying passengers made up more than 65 per cent of all PMD-related infringements.

On February 23, police received reports of a male on a PMD travelling dangerously on the Riverside Expressway, a road where PMDs are strictly prohibited.

Following investigations, police identified the rider, a 76-year-old American tourist, and issued him with a fine on March 4.

QPS Road Policing and Regional Support Command Acting Chief Superintendent Garrath Channells said police are taking a proactive approach to education and enforcement to keep all road users safe.

"We want all riders to be aware of the rules, particularly parents and caregivers who may not realise they're buying their children a non-complaint e-bike or e-scooter," Acting Chief Superintendent Channells said.

"Some e-scooters and e-bikes being sold in Queensland exceed speed limits and are classified as motorbikes, meaning they require registration, insurance, and a licence.

"We are committed to keeping all road users safe, including PMD users and those sharing footpaths and bikeways with them.

"Riders must follow the rules, wear a helmet, and ensure their device is compliant before heading out.

"PMDs are not toys and are subject to Queensland road safety laws. Police will continue to be out enforcing these laws to keep all road users safe."

The QPS is continuing to work with partner organisations to ensure unsafe riders are identified and held accountable.

Police urge community members to report dangerous and illegal PMD use by calling Policelink 131 444 or submitting an online report Policelink reporting portal.

For more information on PMD safety and regulations visit the Street Smarts PMD webpage.

The Queensland Police Service is committed to reducing the number of lives lost on our roads.

Data shows that serious crashes can be significantly reduced when drivers recognise and avoid the 'Fatal Five' behaviours: speeding, drink and drug driving, not wearing seatbelts, fatigue and distraction.

Road safety is everyone's responsibility. Learn more about staying safe on Queensland roads: https://www.police.qld.gov.au/initiatives/fatal-five-staying-safe-roads

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