Five Gunnedah Shire Council policies are on public exhibition following the August ordinary Council meeting.
The following policies will be open to public comment until Friday, 23 September 2022:
- the draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy;
- the draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy;
- the draft Investment Policy; and
- the draft Leasing and Licensing Council-owned and Managed Land and Property Policy.
The draft updated Code of Meeting Practice is also on public exhibition and will be open to public comment until Friday, 7 October 2022.
The draft updated Code of Meeting Practice has been revised to reflect changes made to the Council meeting practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, including a requirement to retain recordings of meetings on websites for at least 12 months.
The new Model Code of Meeting Practice allows meetings to be held by audio-visual link in the event of a natural disaster or a public health emergency, and for Councillors to attend via audio-visual link when approved by the Council or relevant committee.
It also has a new requirement, as per the Office of Local Government, for business papers for all ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the council and committees of the council to contain a statement reminding councillors of their oath or affirmation of office made under Section 233A of the Act and their obligations under the council's code of conduct to disclose and appropriately manage conflicts of interest.
The draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy has been based on the Office of Local Government's Model Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy released earlier this year. The policy provides direction on interactions between Councillors and staff to assist both parties in carrying out their day-to-day duties professionally, ethically and respectfully.
It reinforces the statutory role of the Councillor as being to set the strategic direction for the Council, and the role of the staff being to advise the governing body, implement the Council's decisions and to oversee service delivery under the leadership of the General Manager.
The draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy covers payment of expenses and provision of facilities to Councillors. The policy has been based on the Office of Local Government better practice Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy template that is consistent with the relevant act and regulations.
The draft Investment Policy has been developed in accordance with Investment Policy Guidelines published by the Office of Local Government and aims to provide assistance with the prudent and appropriate management of Council's investment portfolio.
Council manages an extensive investment portfolio on behalf of the community.
The draft Leasing and Licensing Council-owned and Managed Land and Property Policy supersedes Leasing and Licensing of Council Land and Property 2012 and now incorporates more information on leasing and licensing community land and Crown Land, as well as updated legislation.
These policies are available for review at the Council Administration Building in Elgin Street, the Gunnedah Shire Library and the Civic, or on