Polling shows that Australians simply can't live without gas in their lives

New polling of more than 1000 Australians has shown that hand sanitiser was seen as the most vital product during COVID-19, with computers second.

The polling also showed that clothing was the number one product Australians can't do without in their everyday lives.

Spokesperson for Brighter and renowned consumer advocate Christopher Zinn said both products wouldn't exist without the oil and gas industry.

"When most of us think of the oil and gas industry we focus on fuel for the car or gas to heat your home but it does so much more," Mr Zinn said.

"There is sporting equipment like tennis racquets and golf balls, beauty products such as makeup and shampoo, electronics like smartphones, computers, cameras, and televisions and much more.

"In fact, without oil and gas during COVID, there would have been no hand sanitiser, no PPE equipment for medicos and no computers for working at home.

"The polling shows that Australians simply can't live without oil and gas in their lives."

Some of the literally thousands of everyday products that depend on are made or made better from materials that come from oil and natural gas include: hand sanitiser, latex gloves, medical scrubs, computers, paint, caulking, roofing shingles, asphalt, pipes, hard hats, safety goggles, nylon, polyester, acrylic, spandex, handbags, sunglasses, phone cases, jewellery, cooking tools, domestic appliances, cleaning products, gas BBQs, gas heaters, nail polish, perfumes, some make-up, hair colourings, soap, toothbrushes, shampoo, heart valves, artificial limbs, surfboards, basketballs, computers, mobile phones, plus much more.

Polling conducted by Pure Profile of 1011 Australians during late April 2021

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