Polytan Wins Pitch For Surf Coast's New Hockey Field

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Media release from Office of Gayle Tierney MP, Member for Western Victoria

Torquay's latest sporting facility moved one step closer to completion with the awarding of the tender for the construction of the much-anticipated Banyul-Warri Fields hockey pitch.

Labor Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney announced global experts in synthetic sports surfaces Polytan as the head contractor for the project.

Victoria-based Polytan is a preferred supplier with the Federation of International Hockey (FIH) and have constructed and installed hockey pitches at the highest level including Olympic Games venues whilst also delivering important suburban and regional hockey centres across Australia.

The Banyul-Warri Fields hockey pitch will boast Polytan's state-of-the-art, eco-friendly Poligras Paris GT hockey system, one of only two in Australia.

What will the project deliver?

The project will deliver a new hockey pitch, lighting, scoreboard and spectator seating, along with a new car park giving more players, fans and families access to the sport they love, closer to home.

The venue will be home to the Torquay Hockey Club, which is excited to welcome a local facility to play and train on.

Construction works on the pitch are anticipated to be complete by mid-2026.

Works at Banyul-Warri Fields will create opportunities for more hockey events, local jobs and engagement with a range of organisations, businesses and suppliers.

What else is happening in the Banyul-Warri Fields precinct?

The project complements the Wurdi Baierr Aquatic and Recreation Centre, also within Banyul-Warri Fields, which recently started construction on stage 1. Stage 2 of the project is being funded through the Regional Sports Infrastructure Program.

Gayle Tierney acknowledged Surf Coast Shire Council for its commitment to deliver the project in partnership with the Victorian Government.

The Regional Sports Infrastructure Program is part of the Victorian Government's record $45 billion investment over the past decade in projects and programs that matter to regional communities.

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