Pop Up Library At Brighton Le Sands: Bayside

Bayside Council is hosting a pop-up library at Brighton Le Sands on Thursday 27 February where residents will be able to browse and borrow some items, get tech assistance and discover more about Bayside's library services.

Residents will be able to grab a cuppa, chat to library staff, join up or renew their library membership or borrow items from 9.30am.

Staff will be on hand to demonstrate our new library app that gives members easy access to our library resources.

Bring your favourite device (phone, laptop, iPad) and learn how to get the most out of it with some tech help between 10am and 10:45am.

Bayside resident and author of Tales of No Pretence, Cornelia Ramsay will deliver a workshop between 10:45am and 2pm on how to achieve your potential through personal development.

Pop-Up Library and Workshop

Thursday 27 February

9.30am - 2pm

Brighton Community Centre

Level 3, 36 Princess Street (above Coles), Brighton Le Sands

This is a free event. Bookings are essential.

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