Port Adelaide trade unions condemn extremist action in Port Adelaide
28 JUNE 2023
On Friday 23 June an Aboriginal flag defaced with the swastika was suspended from the Old Troubridge Loading Ramp in Port Adelaide.
Police and fire crews were called to the area about 11am. It took approximately 30 minutes for the MFS crew to remove the flag.
Individuals who feel emboldened to commit such disgusting acts and display intolerance of others are not welcome on the waterfront, but there is no place in our Port Adelaide community, Australia or our society for symbols that glorify the horrors of the Holocaust or the violations during the colonisation of Australia.
This offensive act foreshadows the intolerance of many groups who oppose a 'Yes' vote in the referendum for Constitution Recognition of Australia's First Nations peoples and a First Nations' Voice to Parliament. This act of hate is rooted in racism, bigotry and ignorance.
The progressive trade union movement is built on creating a more just society for all those in it, regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, culture etc. The Port Adelaide based unions - the MUA, CEPU and the AMWU - have issued this statement jointly and join the wider trade union movement in unified condemnation of the use of Nazi swastikas or other imagery and paraphernalia to promote far-Right ideology.
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