Senior officials from Tunisia have completed training in conducting port facility security audits. The IMO National Training Course for Port Facility Security Auditors, held in Tunis (4-8 March) covered relevant provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter XI-2 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). These instruments form the basis for a comprehensive mandatory security regime for international shipping, including assistance on how to conduct port facility security audits and the effective preparation of reporting and follow-up actions those generate.
Twenty-four participants from the Designated Authorities (DA), which are specified organizations responsible for port security nominated by the national Government, Port Facility Security Officers and their deputies gained the knowledge and skills to effectively conduct oversight, in line with IMO maritime security measures.
The training was hosted by the Office of Merchant Marine and Ports (Ministry of Transports) with the General Directorate of Maritime Transport and Merchant Marine. It was funded by the Department for Transport of the United Kingdom and closed with a keynote address by the Minister of Transports of Tunisia, Mr. Rabie Majidi.