Port Walks: A Month of Walking Tours
31 October to 29 November
Port Adelaide Guide is happy to present a festival of walking tours, Port Walks. We have a fantastic program of guided walking tours lined up highlighting Port Adelaide's rich history, unique environment, diverse culture, and ongoing tradition of folklore and storytelling.
The program including dates and times: https://www.portadelaideguide.com/events/category/port-walks/
The media release: https://www.portadelaideguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Port-Walks-media-release.pdf
Our Tours:
Halloween Pirate Day on the One and All
It's Pirate Halloween! Time to get on board the One and All to see the Port's very own Ghost Pirate ship! Walk the decks, be at the ship's helm, venture into the galley and the saloon. Come dressed as a Pirate or a spooky Halloween character. Open to all, no matter your age!
Bookings: https://oneandallship.rezdy.com/244622/pirate-open-day-on-the-ship
Light the Port
Join internationally renowned photographer Denis Smith, wandering the Port, illuminating historic spaces, street art and alleyways. Bring a camera, or just watch the magic happen.
Bookings: https://www.denissmith.com.au/-workshops
A Plein-Air Pen and Wash
Join multi-award winning watercolour artist Alan Ramachandran for an outdoor art class, and experience a different and expressive style, capturing the beauty of Port Adelaide.
Contact Alan to book: http://www.watercoloursbyalanlouis.com/
Wonderwalls Port Adelaide
Join prize winning visual artist Mandi Glynn-Jones for a stroll around the Port, discovering the spectacular work of international and local mural and street artists.
Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wonderwalls-port-adelaide-walking-tour-tickets-122008114555
Port Adelaide: Fact and Fiction
Join the Port Adelaide Historical Society in exploding some myths and exploring some truths as you walk around corners in the heart of the Port. Lost streets, landlocked tugboats, unlikely morgues, itinerant lighthouses, floating jails and smugglers' tunnels all dare us to uncover their secrets.
Port Adelaide Anchor Trail
Walk the Anchor Trail, learning about the Port's famous maritime heritage, especially the large historic ship anchors. Presented by the Marine Life Society of SA.
Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/port-adelaide-anchor-trail-walk-tickets-121926492421
Vintage Pubs Tour
Join Walk Adelaide for a leisurely stroll through historic Port Adelaide visiting the hotels of yesteryear. Some are gone and some are still standing; some still serve a welcome drink or tasty meal. Hear about colonial life in Port Adelaide and the role that the local pub has played. Learn about the days of smuggling in the Port, and maybe the odd ghost story or two!
Bookings: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/vintage-pubs-walk-port-adelaide-tickets-121920823465
Port River Heritage Circuit
Enjoy a guided wander around the Port River and learn about the boat graveyard, lost creeks and canals, and the busy shipyards at Fletchers Slip and the iconic Harts Mill. This is a tour that will tease your history taste buds and entertain you with some of the stories about the people who lived and worked in this once busy port. Presented by Walk Adelaide.
Port Adelaide History Soaker
Join Walk Adelaide for a guided tour around Port Adelaide and soak up some of the rich history in one of our oldest towns! Visit the old lighthouse and some of the surrounding pubs Port Adelaide is a rich trove of historic buildings and memories of those who lived and worked there. This walk is suitable for anyone wanting a taste of history and a chance to meet others who enjoy a walk outdoors.
Port Adelaide Ghost Crime Tour
Do you know that Port Adelaide is famous for a number of strange paranormal hauntings and unexplained disturbances? And why was Port Adelaide called "Port Misery"? Discover the dark stories and ghost haunting locations of the old Port.
Bookings: https://ghost-crime-tours.rezdy.com/28488/port-adelaide-ghost-crime-tour
Animal Stories of Port Adelaide
This tour explores folklore, history, and the interconnection between humans, animals and place. Hear about the horse that swam with a dog and a dolphin, the cat that had a baby rat, the ghost panther of Divett St, glowing emus, and much more!
Bookings: https://www.facebook.com/events/3376009802491421/
Port River Inner Harbour Environment Walk
Find out about the Port River's tides, shellfish, dolphins, mangroves, coastal plants and birds, and check out several restoration trials. Presented by the Estuary Care Foundation.
Bookings: https://www.facebook.com/events/339089310503166/
Coastal Dune Walk
Join the Port Environment Centre on a series of nature walks along our beautiful coastline. The PEC supports the community to live sustainably, and to care for and enjoy the natural coastal, marine and estuarine environment.
Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=666139&