Potential Cook Strait Crossing on Maritime NZ's Radar

Maritime New Zealand alongside several other partner agencies is closely monitoring plans by a group to cross the Cook Strait, from Picton to Wellington.

It is believed the group connected to the parliamentary protest is planning on making the voyage over the next couple of days.

Deputy Director Safety and Response Systems, Nigel Clifford says the Cook Strait can be very dangerous.

"It is known locally and internationally as one of the most rugged stretches of water in the world, with strong winds and tidal effects that can create, at times, risky conditions," he says.

Local harbourmasters, police and Coastguard are also monitoring the plans of the group.

Nigel Clifford says crossing the Cook Strait is not for the under prepared.

"We do not recommend trying to cross the Cook Strait if you are an inexperienced boatie, or on vessels unable to cope with large swells," he says.

It is hugely important anyone planning on crossing the Strait undertakes significant planning prior to departure.

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