Power Bills To Skyrocket Under Labor

Tasmanian Government

Power bills are set to soar under Labor, after the opposition confirmed they will build the North West Transmission Line in its entirety, immediately.

Minister for Energy and Renewables, Nick Duigan, said unlike Labor who seem to be willing to write a blank taxpayers cheque, the Tasmanian Government is taking a commonsense approach.

"We've been clear – what needs to be built, will be built – in a careful and considered way," Minister Duigan said.

"If their plan to maximise GBE profits wasn't enough, they will also send power prices soaring – adding to the multitude of fees and charges they are planning to jack up to manage the budget.

"It is reckless for the Opposition to greenlight a $1.5 billion project without fully understanding whether its in Tasmania's best interests.

"The Tasmanian Government continues to work with TasNetworks to progress the first stage ahead of a Final Investment Decision – just as is being done for Marinus Link.

"We will always act in Tasmania's best interest and ensure Tasmanians continue to have the lowest possible power prices, while enabling economic growth and job creation."

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