Work started this week on undergrounding the powerlines in Market Place Hamilton as part of Southern Grampians Shire Council's Melville Oval Facilities Redevelopment Project.
The work is expected to be completed by Powercor before the end of next week, weather permitting. During this time, traffic in Market Place will be one way, travelling east.
Director Infrastructure and Sustainability Marg Scanlon said undergrounding the powerlines would create space to allow for the new netball courts and pavilion.
"Removing the power poles will also contribute to the overall visual amenity of Melville Oval," said Ms Scanlon.
"As part of the work, it will be necessary for Powercor to underground the power supply to several houses in Market Place. This will be done at no cost to the property owner."
Lead contractor Ultrabuild Pty Ltd recently finished earthworks to support the construction of the new pavilion, the two new netball courts and spectator shelter which includes seating.
The $8.4 million project, funded by the Federal Government and council includes:
• Refurbishment of the existing heritage grandstand ground floor to include new club changerooms, first aid and club official rooms, storage and canteen (total size 21metres x 20 metres).
• Construction of a new pavilion including a social room, kitchen and bar, netball change rooms, first-aid facilities, and netball umpire rooms (total size 21 metres x 24 metres).
• Construction of two new netball courts with competition-grade lighting.
• Changes to Market Place to accommodate the establishment of the new netball court on the western boundary of Melville Reserve, retaining through traffic access.
• Removal of sections of the parameter reserve fence and replacement to ensure continued secure reserve parameter fencing for future ticketed events.
• Retained car parks along the eastern side of Market Place.
• Minor landscaping improvements.
More project information is available from