Power Outages In Northern NSW


Residents in Northern NSW are being warned they could be without electricity for multiple days, as Tropical Cyclone Alfred delivers hazardous winds and rain, damaging the electricity network.

As of 4pm today, more than 38,000 homes and businesses are without power in the Northern Rivers and Far North Coast, mostly due to damage caused by falling trees and branches. The worst hit areas are between Tweed Heads and Yamba.

Essential Energy, the electricity distributor for the region, is warning residents that due to severe weather, it is currently unsafe to access and repair damaged power infrastructure. However, they will resume repairs as soon as conditions allow.

This means households and businesses need to preparefor the possibility of extensive and extended power interruptions over the coming days.

What to do before a power outage:

  • Keep battery-powered torches charged and easy-to-find.
  • Ensure your car has petrol or if you have an EV, make sure it is charged.
  • Have backup methods to safely prepare food and boil water, such as a camp stove or gas BBQ.
  • Know how to turn off power to your home.
  • Have manual overrides for garage doors and gates so you can enter and exit.
  • If you rely on an electric pump for your household water supply, store enough water for your needs while the power is off.
  • Have a list of emergency and important phone numbers, in case your mobile phone battery runs out.
  • What to do during a power outage:
  • Stay 8 metres away from damaged wires and fallen powerlines. Call Essential Energy on 13 20 80 to report the damage.
  • Never enter flood waters, as damaged electricity infrastructure can cause electric shock.
  • Limit mobile phone use. Save your battery for important calls and updates.
  • Switch off appliances that can be damaged during power surges, including TVs, computers and Wi-Fi routers.
  • Do not attempt to repair electrical issues yourself or try to use any external power generation sources indoors, such as an external or portable generator.
  • Petrol or diesel-powered generators can produce carbon monoxide gas and must only be operated in a well-ventilated outdoor area away from open windows and vents.
  • If you must run your vehicle to charge devices, do it outside with good ventilation.
  • Follow the NSW Food Authority's advice on food safety and try to limit the number of times you open the fridge and freezer.
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