Due to the forecast of rain and strong winds on Saturday, we have made the difficult decision to cancel skating and basketball activities planned for the opening celebration.

Your safety and that of the pro-skaters and basketballers who were booked to appear on the day is paramount and we do not want to put anyone at risk by continuing to run an event in less than ideal conditions.

Although disappointing, we're pleased to announce we'll be advertising a new date for the skating and basketball demo and comps later this year.

Saturday's opening will still go ahead at 11am so come and join us to see the skate park officially open and stay for a sausage sizzle!

Come and help us celebrate a new era of skating and basketball at the iconic Prahran Skate Park and Basketball Court – back after a 12-month rebuild and bigger and better than ever!

Bring your board, bring your basketball, bring the family or just bring yourself - and join us to welcome skateboarding and basketball back to Prahran.

We're excited to unveil the state-of-the-art sports hub and can't wait to see you there.



11am | Saturday 29 June 2024


Prahran Skate Park and Basketball Court

Princes Gardens

Malvern Road, Prahran

What's on

11am | Opening ceremony

Free sausage sizzle


Be part of the Vert and Street Jams and win great prizes!

Register at:

For more on the revamp visit the Prahran Skate Park and Basketball Court page.

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