Prash Nayar Wins Back-to-back Title As WA's Top Auctioneer


Prash Nayar has successfully defended his title as WA's best auctioneer after winning the live 'mock' auction at REIWA's 2025 Gift of the Gavel Auctioneering Championships.

His protege, Revandy Rasyad took out the title for novice auctioneer.

Both winners will represent WA on 14 May in Adelaide, where they will compete for the senior and novice national titles at the 2025 Australasian Auctioneering Championships (AUSTROS).

REIWA CEO Cath Hart said the winners showed why they are the best in the state.

"Auctioneering is a highly-specialised skill. It takes true talent to be able to work the room while calculating bids on the fly, upselling the property's features to drive more bids and get the best outcome for the seller," she said.

"To be a successful auctioneer, you need to have extensive knowledge of the market and legislation, and a special ability to 'read the crowd' and generate engagement from prospective buyers.

"Prash and Revandy set an extremely high benchmark at senior and novice levels and demonstrated why auctions are such an effective selling strategy."

The annual Gift of the Gavel competition celebrates the art of auctioneering and showcases the high standards set by WA auctioneers.

This year, nine competitors took to the stage to present a live auction on a 'mock listing' in front of a judging panel.

They were assessed on technical knowledge, ability to accurately calculate bids and answer questions from bidders, control the flow of the auction, as well as their storytelling skills and overall entertainment.

Mr Nayar said being named WA's top auctioneer two years in a row was a huge honour.

"Being recognised as the best in WA for another year is an incredible accolade," he said.

"I'm passionate about auctions, they get the best outcome for sellers and are a transparent process for buyers.

"I'm always working to improve my craft and make sure I give my clients the best possible service.

"I look forward to representing WA at the AUSTROS, alongside Revandy, who shows tremendous potential as a sales agent and auctioneer."

Pictured above: Revandy Rasyad, REIWA President Suzanne Brown and Prash Nayar. 

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