Premier Adds Aurora, Hydro to Fire-Sale

Tas Labor

Jeremy Rockliff has today confirmed Aurora and Momentum Energy - which is part of Hydro - are on the table to be flogged off as part of his fire-sale to pay down soaring debt created on his watch.

When asked about secret submissions from private companies in acquiring the energy businesses today, the Premier said he was "not unaware" of the submissions, and confirmed he welcomed the interest.

He also said he'd be looking at every opportunity for privatisation, in the clearest indication yet that he wants to sell Tasmania's future off to the highest bidder.

Privatisation of energy assets has been a disaster everywhere else; power bills have skyrocketed, and blackouts have jumped.

Jeremy Rockliff's desperation for a short-term budget sugar hit will rob future generations of the revenue we need to pay for our schools and hospitals. Because once these assets are gone, they are gone forever.

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

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