Premmie Twins Audrey And Emmalyn Are Set For Prep


Twin sisters Audrey and Emmalyn Hodson are packing their schoolbags for the first time as they get ready to start prep together at St Johns' Anglican College in Forest Lake.

It will be a special milestone for parents Maria-Van and Julian Hodson, who said there will be "no tears" when they walk through the school gate for the first time on Tuesday (28 January).

Little Audrey and Emmalyn are among an estimated 12,000 Mater babies who are expected to start school in Queensland on Tuesday.

"They have been in daycare from a young age and have been socialised well," said Mrs Hodson, who has an older son Oliver (9).

"I am so excited to see and hear how the twins see the world.

"Every day is like a zoo enclosure with a lion and two tigers stuck in one cage," she laughed.

"Audrey loves to colour and draw, and Emmalyn loves to rough and tumble on the trampoline with Audrey".

Audrey and Emmalyn were born six weeks premature at Mater Mothers' Hospital in South Brisbane on 5 December 2019 and spent almost two weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit receiving around-the-clock care by a multidisciplinary team.

Audrey was born first at 12.09pm weighing 2.2kg and three minutes later Emmalyn arrived weighing 2.4kg.

Mrs Hodson said Audrey and Emmalyn had "very different personalities" and physical attributes.

"They are like chalk and cheese," Mrs Hodson said.

"Audrey is very intellectual, academic, and studious, and Emmalyn is very active, creative, and always on the go."

While the duo will be in separate classes, they are looking forward to learning and making new friends.

Mrs Hodson described life with twins as "fast-paced with lots of noise, chatter and distractions".

"There is a lot of yelling, crying, bossiness, laughter and teamwork," she said. The-Hodson-family300px.jpg

"They swap foods they don't particularly like and love to try everything at least once.

"Emmalyn loves fresh-shucked oysters, and Audrey loves eating blue cheese and ham.

"Emmalyn is an avid animal lover, ranging from insects and bugs to snakes and farm animals. Audrey, not so much."

Mrs Hodson revealed when she found out she was pregnant with twins her mother was suffering terminal breast cancer.

"Everyone could tell I was pregnant, but not with twins," she said.

"We found out the genders of the twins and celebrated with mum.

"Mum held on as long as possible, but passed just three weeks before the girls arrived.

"While she was palliative, we decided to let everyone focus on her.

"Oliver my son was a big 4.5kg baby so my big tummy this time wasn't a concern and only a small handful of people knew," she smiled.

Mrs Hodson said watching her twin girls go to the same school as their older brother will be exciting.

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