Prescient Therapeutics Names New Board Chair

Clinical-stage oncology company Prescient Therapeutics (ASX:PTX) has announced that Dr James Campbell will succeed Steven Engle as its chair.

The company said the change follows Mr Engle's decision to retire as chair and the board on 20 March after more than ten years.

The board elected Dr Campbel, a non-executive director, to succeed Mr Engle.

Mr Engle said, "I am honoured to have played a role in guiding Prescient to the company it is today - a dynamic management team with a Phase 2 stage clinical product targeting T Cell Lymphoma, a life-threatening disease, and with next-generation immunotherapy, OmniCAR in development. As a company, we are mindful of the need to balance renewal with stability, and I believe this is the right time for me to retire as chair. Dr Campbell is well credentialled and well placed to succeed me as Chair, and I am confident he will provide astute and relevant guidance to our new CEO, James McDonnell."

Dr Campbell added, "I am delighted to accept the chair position at such an exciting time for the company as it embarks on a pivotal period of growth, particularly the initiation of Phase 2 studies for PTX-100. I gratefully acknowledge the intellect and diligence that Steve brought as chair and speak for the board when I thank him for his active involvement in the growth of the company since his appointment. Steve's deep industry knowledge and thoughtful guidance have been invaluable to the company, and I am sure that he will remain a keen observer of Prescient's progress."

The company said it is undertaking a search for a new non-executive director to replace Dr Campbell as chair of the audit and risk committee.

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