Carlotta Rigotti was invited by the Council of Europe to provide an overview of online and technology-facilitated violence at the Moroccan Parliament, as part of the joint program "Support for the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture and the Development of the Role of Parliament in the Consolidation of Democracy in Morocco 2020-2023".

On 3rd October 2023, the House of Representatives and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe organized an event on the implementation of Law No. 103-13 regarding the fight against violence against women, as part of the joint program "Support for the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture and the Development of the Role of Parliament in the Consolidation of Democracy in Morocco 2020-2023" financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.

This meeting made it possible to present and discuss the current legal framework, highlight its ambitions and limitations, and suggest potential approaches to address the legal, policy, and social challenges to its effective implementation.
The event was marked by the participation of representatives of the different political parties of the Chamber, ministerial departments and constitutional institutions directly concerned with the application of the law, representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Morocco, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Europe Office in Rabat as well as professors, experts, and representatives of civil society.
In this context, Carlotta Rigotti was invited by the Council of Europe to give a brief lecture on online and technology-facilitated violence. Her presentation began with an overview of this abuse, especially in terms of its definition, scale, and impact. She then looked at how online and technology-facilitated violence is regulated across Europe.