President of Digital Identity and Authentication Council of Canada, Joni Brennan, on digital identity

National Australia Bank

Digital identity allows you to prove your identity electronically to access online services, and will be a crucial enabler of safe and secure interactions in Australia's future economy.

President of the Digital Identity and Authentication Council of Canada, Joni Brennan, joined host NAB Executive Digital & Data Governance, Brad Carr, from Vancouver as part of the third instalment of the NAB Digital Next podcast to discuss lessons from Canada on how digital identity can empower users with choice and control over their data, whilst affording privacy and personal data protection.

NAB's Head of Digital Identity and Access, Olaf Grewe, also discusses the importance of considering inclusion and culture in models of identification.

A headshot of a woman smiling looking directly to the camera
President of the Digital Identity and Authentication Council of Canada, Joni Brennan

NAB Digital Next is a podcast series that features digital experts from across the world, and explores the great opportunities, challenges and policy issues in modern digitised society.

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