Presolar Grains In Extra-Terrestrial Materials

Edited by Sachiko Amari

Published by Elsevier March 21, 2025


Providing a cohesive overview of the latest research on presolar grains and their stellar sources, this book brings researchers in cosmochemistry, astrophysics and astronomy up to speed on state-of-the-art developments, analysis and future implications.

The book begins with a historical perspective on the study of presolar grains, then reviews the properties and features of a variety of presolar grains, including sililcon carbide, graphite, diamonds, oxides and silicates. It also includes techniques for analyzing presolar grains in the lab and covers the stars that are considered sources of presolar grains, such as asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, supernovae, novae and born-again AGB stars. Condensation calculations in various types of stars and minerals observed or expected in the stellar atmospheres and presolar grains are also presented.

About the editor

Sachiko Amari is a research professor of physics in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. Her work revolves around the formation and the early history of the solar system and beyond, using secondary ion mass spectrometry to study presolar grains. She also studies volatiles, including noble gases, which will give us insight into the processes that occurred in the early solar system.

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