Press Secretary Jean-Pierre Holds Gaggle en Route to GA

The White House

Aboard Air Force One

En Route Marietta, Georgia

2:15 P.M. EDT


Q Hey.

MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Okay, I got a — two things at the top.

So, today's Supreme Court order ensures that women in Idaho can access the emergency medical care they need while this case returns to the lower courts. But our fight is not over. The Biden-Harris administration will continue to defend our long-standing fundamental belief that women have the right to access the emergency medical care they need.

No woman should be denied care or wait until she's near death or forced to flee her home state just to receive the health care she needs, yet this is exactly what is happening in states across the country since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

It's all part of Republican elected officials' extreme and dangerous agenda to ban abortion nationwide, put women's health and lives at risk, and threaten doctors with jail time. The stakes should not be higher, and the — I'm sorry, the stakes could not be higher, and the contrast could not be clearer.

President Biden and Vice President Harris will continue to fight for a woman's right to make deeply personal health care decisions and to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade in federal law for all women in every state across the country.

Second, the president has repeatedly said that we must secure our border. That's why, about three weeks ago, he announced actions to bar migrants who cross our border unlawfully from receiving asylum.

Since then, unlawful crossings between ports of entry have dropped more than 40 percent. We're still early in implementing the president's actions, and we understand that migration flows are dynamic. That is why we continue to call on Congress to provide our immigration officials and Border Patrol the resources they need to do their jobs.

Republicans in Congress have proven that they would rather have a political football than actually fix the problem. We will continue calling on congressional Republicans to do their jobs and give border officials the resources only Congress can provide.

With that, Darlene, you want to kick us off?

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