Preston Flood Scheme Completes School SuDS Projects

UK Gov

SuDS schemes reduce flood risk by temporarily storing rainwater; reducing its flow and surface water runoff. Three primary schools have benefited.

Children at three local primary schools have new educational and playground equipment, thanks to the Preston and South Ribble Flood Risk Management Scheme (P&SR FRMS).

The scheme used Department for Education funding to deliver a trio of SuDS schemes, worth tens-of-thousands-of-pounds.

SuDS means 'Sustainable Drainage System'. They help reduce flood risk by temporarily storing rainwater during storms and reducing the flow and reducing surface water run-off.

The beneficiaries are:

  • Frenchwood Community Primary School, Preston

  • St. Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School, Penwortham

  • St. Leonard's Primary School, Walton-le-Dale

St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Primary School. Environment Agency.

An Exciting, Bright Environment

Items installed include: living roof gazebos; potting tables; planters; trees; play equipment; and even a stage.

Headteacher at St. Leonard's CoE Primary School, Kay Proctor, said:

We are extremely delighted with the work that has taken place. The equipment provided is excellent, the new play area will be a huge asset to our school. It will greatly enhance the learning experiences of the children giving them an exciting, bright environment to explore and develop in, whilst at the same time helping to reduce the risk of flooding.

A number of other community benefits are being delivered by the Preston & South Ribble Flood Risk Management Scheme. These include planting more than 8,000 trees on the riverbank and Fishwick Bottoms and the creation of a small, insect-friendly wetland at Ribble Sidings. Last year, the relandscaped Broadgate Gardens were reopened.

St. Leonard's Primary School. Environment Agency.

Construction of the P&SR FRMS began in 2022 and, when complete, thousands of properties will be better protected from flooding between Broadgate and Walton-le-Dale. Construction is expected to be completed in 2027.

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