Prison Stalwart Honoured During Final Walkthrough

Tasmanian Government

A Mary Hutchinson Women's Prison stalwart has been named as the Tasmanian recipient of the Australian Corrections Medal in the Australia Day Honours List for 2025.

With a career spanning nearly 20 years with the Tasmania Prison Service (TPS), Correctional Supervisor Alison McIntyre has worked through lockdowns, COVID-19 restrictions, and high-profile incarcerations.

Minister for Corrections and Rehabilitation, Madeleine Ogilvie, congratulated Alison on her honour and wished her a happy retirement during a final walkthrough of her former workplace last week.

"Alison has experienced challenging days, but she has never lost sight of our vision of rehabilitation, prisoner welfare, and community safety," Minister Ogilvie said.

"Alison is a maestro of the 'small things', such as working with prisoners to set measurable and achievable goals and reflect on their learnings.

"We've found that a trauma-informed approach best enables correctional officers to connect with prisoners and effect positive change."

During Alison's work as both a superintendent and supervisor at Mary Hutchinson Women's Prison, the facility has undergone significant upgrades as part of the 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future.

Alison will be formally presented with her medal by the Governor during a ceremony at Government House later this year.

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