Probe on Amazon's Marketing Practices Persists: CA Bureau

Competition Bureau Canada

The Competition Bureau has obtained a second court order to gather information and advance an ongoing investigation into potentially false or misleading claims made by Amazon.

The order, granted by the Federal Court of Canada, requires Amazon to produce records and written information that are relevant to the Bureau's investigation.

The investigation relates to claims made by Amazon that may be influenced by reviews and ratings, a factor that could affect how products are ranked and displayed on their website and mobile app.

The Bureau is looking to determine if Amazon's marketing practices raise concerns under the deceptive marketing provisions of the Competition Act. There is no conclusion of wrongdoing at this time.

The Bureau previously filed an application with the Federal Court of Canada for an order requiring Meta Platforms to provide information relevant to the Bureau's ongoing investigation into Amazon. The order was granted on June 29, 2023.

The Bureau is committed to safeguarding consumers from deceptive marketing practices in the digital economy.

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