Probe Seeks Info on Ex-Police Officer

As was announced on 26 February, Tasmania Police is conducting an investigation into former police officer Dale Cook, who has been charged with allegedly accessing child exploitation material.

Acting Commissioner Jonathan Higgins said the investigation is examining Cook's entire career to determine whether he used his position as a police officer to commit child sexual abuse crimes or any other criminal offending and identify any misconduct during his employment with Tasmania Police.

"The investigation has independent oversight by the Integrity Commission and is being run concurrently with the criminal case he is currently facing charges over," Acting Commissioner Higgins said.

"We strongly encourage anyone with information to come forward, as every piece of information, no matter how small, can be key to the outcome of an investigation."

"The investigators would like to hear from anyone with information by 5 May 2025, however information after this time will of course still be examined."

"The specialist investigation team recognises the need to offer choice and confidentiality to anyone wanting to provide information."

There are several ways information can be provided to investigators.

This includes:

  • Sending a direct email to the investigation team at [email protected]
  • Submitting an online form which allows you the option or remaining anonymous, or providing your details if you are willing to be contacted.
  • Submitting a report to the Tasmania Police Professional Standards online portal.
  • If you would like to meet in person, contact the investigation team at [email protected] and they will arrange this at a time and place that ensures confidentiality.

"An important part of the investigation is also receiving any relevant information from people who have previously been in the workplace with Dale Cook, and our staff are being contacted to facilitate this."

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