Prof. Chris Perry OAM Joins AMA Roll of Fellows

Australian Medical Association

Congratulations to Professor Perry on his induction.

Former AMA Queensland President Professor Chris Perry OAM was inducted to the AMA Roll of Fellows last month at the AMA Queensland AGM and Dinner for the Profession by new AMA Queensland President Dr Nick Yim.

Professor Perry is a distinguished Consultant Surgeon in adult and paediatric otolaryngology head and neck surgery in Brisbane, a Professor at the University of Queensland, a philanthropist, and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Australian Army Reserve.

Professor Perry is a past AMA Councillor, a co-founder of the Deadly Ears program to tackle the scourge of untreated middle ear infections in Aboriginal Australians, and has more than 50 papers, eight book chapters and 1,600 citations to his name.

He continues to divide his time between his private ENT practice and two public hospitals - the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Queensland Children's Hospital.

Congratulations to Professor Perry.

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