Property Offences At Ipswich 19 March

Police have charged four teenagers with a total of 73 offences following a series of property crime offences across Ipswich on March 16.

At 3am, it is alleged five teenagers broke into a Farley Street address in Boonah stealing a 2011 Toyota Prado.

At approximately 4.30am, the group allegedly broke into a Hudson Street address in Kalbar stealing a white Nissan Qashqai.

Between 9pm and 10.40pm, it will be alleged the group were involved in the unlawful entry and thefts from a vehicle at Mt Alford, two vehicles at Dugandan and a vehicle at Boonah.

At approximately 11pm it is alleged the group drove to an aged care facility on Harold Stark Avenue at Boonah where a male broke into a vehicle, before assaulting a female employee who confronted him. The 40-year-old woman sustained minor injuries.

Just after midnight, police located the Toyota Prado abandoned at Raceview.

A short time later, police located the stolen Nissan Qashqai at a shopping centre on Raceview Street, with the five alleged occupants running from the vehicle on foot.

Following a short foot chase involving officers from the Ipswich Property Crime team, dog squad and the Tactical Crime Squad, four teenagers were taken into custody.

A 16-year-old Tarragindi girl has been charged with 15 offences including unlawful use of a motor vehicle, burglary, assault, enter premises and commit indictable offence, robbery in company and receiving tainted property.

She is due to appear in the Ipswich Children's Court on May 6.

A 13-year-old Bellbird Park boy has been charged with 19 offences including unlawful use of a motor vehicle, burglary, enter with intent, assault, robbery in company and receiving tainted property.

He has been remanded in custody and is due to appear in the Ipswich Children's Court on May 6.

A 13-year-old Gailes boy has been charged with 15 offences including unlawful use of a motor vehicle, enter premises with intent to commit indictable offence, attempted robbery and receiving tainted property.

He is due to appear in the Ipswich Children's Court on March 24.

A 14-year-old Sunnybank boy has been charged with 24 offences including unlawful use of a motor vehicle, enter dwelling and commit, receiving tainted property, assault, and attempted robbery.

He has been remanded in custody to appear in the Ipswich Children's Court on May 6.

Investigations remain ongoing.

Anyone with information that may assist is asked to contact police.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at or call 131 444.

Report crime information anonymously via Crime Stoppers. Call 1800 333 000 or report online at

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