City of Darwin Council has endorsed a proposal from the Northern Territory Government's Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics to acquire a section of Marlow Road reserve between Tiger Brennan Drive and Berrimah Road.
The requested section of road does not presently contain a formed road, does not function as an actual road and does not provide property access. Furthermore, future connection to Tiger Brennan Drive will never be permitted, restricting its future functionality and significance.
Closing and incorporating this section of Marlow Road into the Tiger Brennan Drive road reserve will help facilitate the construction of the new Tiger Brennan Drive overpass, which is a major community road safety project.
We're seeking community feedback on the proposal across a 28-day period, closing on 19 October 2023. At the conclusion of the exhibition period, any submissions made in response to the proposal will be considered before City of Darwin seeks final approval from the Minister for Local Government for this section of road to be closed.
Community consultation closes at close of business on 19 October 2023.