Rockhampton Regional Council has today announced it is considering a budget saving measure of closing the SmartHub.
Mayor Tony Williams said the measure was only under consideration at this stage and emphasised no decision had been made.
"I have been outlining to the community these past weeks of the difficult budget situation facing Council due to reduced grant funding, lower airport revenue and the cost of carting water to Mount Morgan," Mayor Williams said.
"As part of Council's commitment to transparency through this tough budget process, I'm today announcing that we are considering closing the SmartHub by June 30 this year as a budget saving measure.
"It is not an easy thing to announce, but given the impact on our Budget the only real options we have at the moment are either to reduce services or increase rates.
"Neither is something we want to do, but we have to be responsible financial managers and the reality is that tough decisions will need to be made in the lead up to this year's budget.
"I'll say again that this measure is only proposed at this stage and we still need to undergo internal consultation with staff before a decision is made," Mayor Williams said.
SmartHub staff were notified by Council earlier this week of the proposal and members have been written to this afternoon outlining the situation. Consultation will now occur before any final decision is made.
As outlined last month, Council's budget has been impacted by a $6.7 million loss in airport revenue and a cost to date of $4 million to cart water to Mount Morgan.
Council was also notified in December that Financial Assistance Grants would be reducing to the minimum level which would see $13.5 million ripped out of the Budget in the next three years with $6.8 million less in funding every year after that.