Council is seeking community feedback on Amendment C114, the proposed rezoning of the parcel of land known as 'Precinct 16 West' from industrial to residential use.
'Precinct 16 West' includes land at 5-7 Sutton Street, 9-9A Sutton Street and 41-59 Stephenson Street, South Kingsville. This land was identified as industrial land with the potential for future residential development in the Hobsons Bay Industrial Land Management Strategy 2008.
Amendment C114 proposes to rezone land from Industrial 3 Zone (IN3Z) and part General Residential Zone to General Residential Zone - Schedule 4 (GRZ4) and Residential Growth Zone - Schedule 2 (RGZ2), which would allow residential development up to three storeys across most of the site and six storey development to the north east corner.
It also proposes development plans for the site, which landowners, with extensive and prolonged consultation with Council have developed, within planning guidelines.
Should any soil contamination exist on the site, the amendment would also apply conditions to ensure this was addressed before residential development could occur. The amendment will also mandate a 5 per cent public open space contribution and seek a 10 per cent social and affordable housing component.
The community can have its say now on the rezoning and development plans. Submissions are invited until Wednesday 8 September at
If Amendment C114 is adopted by Council, and approved by the Minister for Planning, Council would then determine whether to approve the development plans. There will be no further consultation on the development plans. Once approved, planning permits could be issued for development without further input from the public, provided they aligned with the approved development plans.
All community members interested in making a submission are encouraged to come along to one of our drop-in sessions and chat with Council officers about the amendment.
- Thursday 12 August from 5pm to 7pm at the Newport Community Hub, 13-15 Mason Street, Newport
- Thursday 19 August from 11am to 1pm at the Newport Community Hub
Registrations are essential at These sessions are subject to COVID-19 state government restrictions and density limits. Online options will be explored if face-to-face sessions need to be cancelled.
Amendment C114 is one of several planning and construction projects currently taking place in Spotswood and South Kingsville, including Precinct 17 (also known as 571-589 Melbourne Road, Spotswood), 31-69 McLister Street, Spotswood where construction is under way, and Precinct 16 East (also known as 38-48 Blackshaws Road, South Kingsville).