Proposed Road Deviation In South Geelong

Council has given notice of its intention to discontinue a surplus 490m2 section of road on Amphlett Way, formerly part of Carr Street, in South Geelong which runs adjacent to land owned by Barwon Water.

The land would be transferred to Barwon Water, in exchange for an equivalent area of Barwon Water's land to create a new road reserve in the preferred alignment.

This process aims to realign the remaining part of Amphlett Way and support the residential rezoning of the Barwon Water land to allow for diverse housing near South Geelong Station.

In addition to the proposed changes to the road alignment, there would be development of a public plaza to complement the station forecourt, the construction of a new roundabout on Lonsdale Street and more car parking to compensate for the removal of parks on Amphlett Way.

The deviation and road upgrades put forward are recommended in the South Geelong Urban Design Framework (UDF) .

Community members who live, work, shop or travel through this area are invited to make a written submission on the proposed deviation.

They also have the option of appearing at the Submissions Review Panel or having another person represent them.

Deputy Mayor Ron Nelson

Council has started the statutory process for the proposed road deviation by giving notice of its intention at the monthly meeting.

The proposal seeks to contribute to a better alignment of Amphlett Way, public realm upgrades and more housing.

Council invites community members to read through the proposal and make a submission, as it's a critical part of the statutory process.

Councillor Andrew Katos

A report will be presented to Council and we'll consider all submissions.

If Council resolves to deviate the road, we'll be required to seek ministerial consent.

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