Prosperous Prairie Economy Blueprint Unveiled

Prairies Economic Development Canada

The Honourable Terry Duguid, Minister for PrairiesCan, issued the following statement:

"Today, we release the Green Prairie Economy - Early accomplishments update of the Framework to Build a Green Prairie Economy, which underpins the Building a Green Prairie Economy Act.

"The Prairies are built on hard work, ingenuity, and a deep sense of community. Over the past year, PrairiesCan and other federal departments have embraced the same spirit-taking a new approach by prioritizing collaboration, local engagement, and responsive federal support. I am pleased to report that the Framework's vision for prosperity across the Prairies is translating ideas into results, helping drive regional economic growth, innovation, and job creation.

"Since the Framework's launch in December 2023, $4 billion in new federal investments have flowed into the Prairies, supporting more than 19,000 projects shaped by the people who live and work here-projects that reflect the Framework's commitment to locally led priorities. These projects reflect what Prairie people know: long-term economic prosperity depends on leading in critical minerals and manufacturing, innovating in energy exports, supporting Indigenous participation in the economy, diversifying trade, and laying the foundation for more Prairie-based businesses to compete globally.

"At its core, the Act and the Framework are about working together to unlock the Prairies' full potential. For generations, the Prairies have been a key driver of Canada's economy-feeding the country, fueling industries, and driving exports. But in a rapidly changing global economy, staying competitive requires more than just relying on traditional strengths. With shifting trade dynamics, evolving energy demands, and the rise of new industries, the Prairies have an opportunity to step up, adapt, and lead.

"The groundwork for this leadership has been laid through the collaboration and dedication of provincial and municipal partners, Indigenous communities, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and my Cabinet colleagues. Their efforts are directly responding to expectations expressed to us by people living and working on the Prairies and are making a real difference in strengthening economic opportunities across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

"To all who have contributed, I offer my thanks while realizing that we have more work to do. We shall do so through continued collaboration in building a prosperous Prairie economy."

The update is available on the PrairiesCan website.

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