Aviation, maritime and telecoms agencies raise alarm over increase in jamming and spoofing of navigation systems
Montréal, 25 March 2025 - Increasing incidents of interference with aviation, maritime and telecommunications services mean States must urgently enhance their protection of the critical radio-frequency band, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and International Maritime Organization (IMO) have said with "grave concern" in a joint statement to UN Member States.
These cases of harmful interference are in the form of jamming and spoofing that disrupt Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) operating in the frequency bands allocated to the Radio Navigation Satellite Service (RNSS).
"Radio Navigation Satellite Service interference can impact aircraft operations far beyond the immediate affected area, creating potential safety risks across multiple flight regions," remarked ICAO Secretary General Juan Carlos Salazar. "ICAO is fully committed to working closely with Member States to implement these protective measures through existing aviation safety frameworks and standards."
The joint statement identifies five key actions required from Member States:
1. Protection of RNSS from harmful interference affecting civilian and humanitarian operations2. Strengthening resilience of RNSS-dependent navigation, positioning, and timing systems3. Maintaining conventional navigation infrastructure for contingency support4. Enhancing collaboration between regulatory, aviation, maritime, defense, and enforcement authorities5. Implementing comprehensive interference reporting mechanisms
This initiative builds on ICAO Assembly Resolution A41-8/C, which urges States to ensure close collaboration between aviation authorities, military authorities, service providers, and spectrum enforcement authorities to protect Communication and Navigation Systems.
The Resolution specifically calls on States to refrain from any form of jamming or spoofing affecting civil aviation and to coordinate with air navigation service providers when military or security operations might affect civil aviation operations.
About ICAO
A specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) leads the international alignment of technical standards and strategies, facilitating the safe, secure, and sustainable development of its 193 Member States' aviation sectors and air services. This year, ICAO is celebrating the 80th anniversary of its establishment by the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation.
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