Protesters Disrupt Taylor, Dutton Pressers

Rising Tide

SYDNEY, Thursday 20 March - Protesters from Rising Tide have today shut down Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor's press conference in Sydney today

Shaun Murray from Rising Tide posed the question to Mr Taylor "Why are you asking taxpayers to fund nuclear power, when it's going to drive up energy prices?"

Zack Schofield then commented "Mr Taylor, your own party has started campaigning against your nuclear policy. Why is the party campaigning against itself on this flagship policy?' in referral to the recent launch of Liberals Against Nuclear.

It comes just hours after Rising Tide protesters disrupted a speech by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton at Sydney headquarters of the Lowy Institute.

Zack Schofield who interrupted both press conferences today said:

"The Coalition's scheme to force nuclear into Australia's energy grid is going to cost $600 billion to the taxpayer, add up to $1,200 to people's energy bills, and produce 1.6 billion tonnes of climate pollution by 2050.

"This idea is so dumb that we're now even seeing Liberal stalwarts campaigning against their own party, begging Dutton to drop this ridiculous policy.

"We have just seen with ex-tropical cyclone Alfred what the climate crisis is already doing to Australian communities. We cannot afford more distraction and delay with unfeasible policies like nuclear."

Mr Schofield said that Rising Tide is calling for "the Liberal party to scrap its ridiculous nuclear policy and provide Australians with a real plan for tackling the climate crisis without burdening taxpayers with costs they can't afford."

"The reality is that the Coalition has no climate plan. Their nuclear plan clearly doesn't stack up, they have not supported a single piece of climate legislation this term of government, and they have no 2035 emission reduction target."

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