Public Art Sculptural Commission - All Abilities Sculputure

With funding from the Victorian State Government through the Department of Premier and Cabinet, we are seeking to commission a sculptor artist/team to develop an engaging sculpture.

Geelong is a designated UNESCO City of Design and this new work will add to our growing reputation as a Clever and Creative city.

The intention of the commission is to create an artwork that will celebrate the lives of people living with a disability. As such the work will need to be clear in its intent and be engaging for the whole community to interact with.

The work must be experiential and engage a range of senses so as not to exclude any person living with a disability.

A highly desirable outcome will be that the work will be able to be relocatable, enabling a range of geographic communities across the Municipality to connect with the work and its intent.

Direct enquiries and submissions can be made to:

Steve Singline

Public Art Officer

Arts & Culture Department

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