Their Majesties will arrive at Belfast City Airport where they will be met by the Lord Lieutenant for the County Borough of Belfast, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the Chief Executive of Belfast City Airport, before travelling to Hillsborough Castle for a number of engagements.
The King and Consort will arrive at Hillsborough Castle, where His Majesty will hold a private audience with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and will meet with representatives from political parties. Their Majesties will also receive a Message of Condolence from The Speaker of The Northern Ireland Assembly on behalf of the people of Northern Ireland.
The King and The Queen Consort will attend a reception at Hillsborough Castle, hosted by the Secretary of State, where they will have the opportunity to meet representatives drawn from a diverse range of Northern Ireland life.
Later in the afternoon, His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort will travel to St Anne's Cathedral to attend a Service of Reflection for the life of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II. Their Majesties will then undertake a walkabout at Writers' Square before departure.
Public information regarding travel to Hillsborough Castle
- The public is welcome to come to Royal Hillsborough ahead of the ceremony to line the route, members of the public should be in place by 1100. There is no parking for non-residents
- Special transport is in place from the dedicated Park and Ride facility at the Eikon Centre, Halftown Road, Lisburn There will be no public access to the Castle during this period other than via this Park & Ride service.