Public Schools Lauded for Boosting HSC Results Annually


In a move that recognises the excellence in the state's public high schools, Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car has written to congratulate 24 public high schools for their oustanding results in the 2024 Higher School Certificate (HSC).

The NSW Department of Education has recognised 14 metro and 10 regional and rural public high schools for high growth in their 2024 HSC results.

Schools were identified for demonstrating consistent growth over seven years and an increase in the number of students who achieved in the higher bands of the HSC. The schools also demonstrated positive progress for students across other achievement bands.

The schools implemented effective teaching to deliver great results for students, including improving the consistency of explicit teaching across subjects and classrooms, and setting high expectations for their students.

2024 high growth HSC schools - metro

  • Ashfield Boys High School
  • Blacktown Boys High School
  • Blacktown Girls High School
  • Cumberland High School
  • Doonside High School
  • Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design
  • Elizabeth Macarthur High School
  • Endeavour Sports High School
  • Marrickville High School
  • Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus
  • Riverside Girls High School
  • Sarah Redfern High School
  • The Jannali High School
  • South Sydney High School

2024 high growth HSC schools - regional & rural

  • Cessnock High School
  • Dubbo College Senior Campus Five Islands Secondary College
  • Five Islands Secondary College
  • Forbes High School
  • Hunter Sports High School
  • Irrawang High School
  • Katoomba High School
  • Mulwaree High School
  • South Grafton High School
  • Toormina High School

The schools were identified from across 452 public high schools that each year guide the estimated 68,000 Year 12 students through to the HSC.

Letters signed jointly by Minister Car and the NSW Department of Education Secretary Murat Dizdar went out this month to the schools congratulating them on their achievement.

The identification of the 24 schools that have shown the greatest improvement in results in the top bands comes a month after the Minns Government announced ambitious academic, HSC attainment and school attendance targets designed to lift outcomes for all students.

Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:

"These are outstanding results for students in our NSW public schools.

"We want every child in NSW to achieve their full potential in our world-class public schools. With a qualified teacher in front of them, explicitly teaching from the knowledge-rich curriculum they can do that.

"We are setting high expectations for our schools and students across the board, to ensure students aim high and work hard to meet their potential.

NSW Department of Education Secretary Murat Dizdar said.

"Our Plan for Public Education speaks to our ambition as a system to provide opportunities for all and transform lives through learning.

"We recognise this achievement can only be accomplished through strong leadership and committed, professional staff who share a unified vision for ongoing school improvement.

"These accomplishments are not achieved alone. It takes the combined efforts of the entire school staff in delivering exceptional learning experiences in every classroom that both challenge and nurture our students' growth."

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