Q2 Metals Strikes 179.6m Spodumene Pegmatite in Quebec

Q2 Metals Corp.


  • Drill hole CS25-027 encountered seven (7) spodumene pegmatite intervals, with the widest continuous interval of 179.6 metres (m), followed by two additional intervals of 58 m and 91.8 m of continuous spodumene pegmatite.

  • Drill hole CS25-024/24A intersected a total of six (6) individual spodumene pegmatite intervals, with the widest continuous interval of 39.5 m.

  • Drill hole CS25-025 encountered nine (9) spodumene pegmatite intervals, with the widest continuous interval of 20.4 m.

  • Drill hole CS25-026 encountered 10 spodumene pegmatite intervals, with the widest continuous interval of 21.2 m.

  • Assays are pending on the approximately 2,570 m of core drilled in the first four (4) holes completed to date in the winter drill campaign at the Cisco Project.

  • Drilling continues with step outs to both the east and south.

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESS Newswire / March 19, 2025 / Q2 Metals Corp. (TSXV:QTWO)(OTCQB:QUEXF)(FSE:458) ("Q2" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of the first four holes of the winter 2025 expansion drilling campaign at the Company's Cisco Lithium Project (the "Project" or the "Cisco Project"), located within the greater Nemaska traditional territory of the Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Quebec, Canada.

Multiple wide intercepts of continuous spodumene pegmatite were encountered within a total of 2,570 metres of drilling completed to date, significantly increasing the extent of previously encountered mineralization (see Figure 1). All holes intercepted pegmatites with visual indications of spodumene mineralization identified.

"We are extraordinarily pleased with these initial findings from our winter campaign which has not only produced one of our top holes in terms of the total amount of spodumene pegmatite per hole, but continues to provide important information about the mineralization at Cisco," said Q2 Metals President and CEO Alicia Milne. "We are continuing to explore the robust and continuous nature of Cisco's mineralization with additional step outs to both the south and east."

"The first four holes of the winter drill program have expanded the strike length of the mineralized system and has confirmed that it continues to extend to the south, further increasing Cisco's potential scale," said Q2 VP Exploration Neil McCallum. "Hole-27, with 179.6 metres of continuous spodumene pegmatite, plus an additional 58 and 91.8 metres of continuous spodumene pegmatite, lends further support to our theory of a south-trending mineralized system, which now extends over a kilometre."

Figure 1. Map of Drilling area, Cisco Project

Winter 2025 Exploration Program Overview The current 2025 Winter Program is targeting 6,000 - 8,000 m of drilling with 200 - 400 m step outs with the primary objective of expanding upon the exceptionally promising drill results from the inaugural 2024 campaign, which included:

  • Drill hole CS-24-018 - 215.6 m at 1.69% Li 2 O;

  • Drill hole CS-24-021 - 347.1 m at 1.35% Li 2 O; and

  • Drill hole CS-24-023 - 188.6 m at 1.56% Li 2 O.

One diamond drill rig tested to the southwest of drill hole CS-24-023 to define the strike length:

  • Drill hole CS25-025 was collared approximately 275 m south of hole CS24-023; and

  • Drill hole CS25-027 is located 200 m southeast of hole CS25-025.

This fence of holes was designed to test the southward extension of the large and wide mineralized system and did so successfully with hole CS25-027's widest continuous interval of 179.6 m of spodumene-bearing pegmatite.

One diamond drill rig tested to the east of drill holes CS-24-018 and CS-24-021 to define potential additional parallel pegmatite zones:

  • Drill hole CS25-024A was drilled as a follow-up to hole CS25-024 which was lost due to difficult drilling conditions. It was collared approximately 400 m southeast of hole CS24-022; and

  • Drill hole CS25-026 was collared approximately 400 m from CS24-021 and 285 m north of hole CS25-024A.

Drilling remains ongoing, with step outs continuing both east and south.

Figure 2. Drill Rig Locations at the Cisco Lithium Project

Summary of Spodumene-Bearing Pegmatite Intervals The pegmatite intervals (greater than 2 m) of drill holes CS-25-024A to 027 are reported below in detail (Table 1).

Table 1. Summary of Spodumene-Pegmatite Intervals, Cisco Project

The mineralized intervals in all the holes are not necessarily representative of the true width and the modelled pegmatite zones are being refined with every additional hole.

Cautionary Statement: The presence of pegmatites does not confirm the presence of lithium (spodumene or other lithium minerals). Pegmatites are fractionated coarse grained igneous rocks commonly associated with lithium mineralization; however, many pegmatites do not contain mineralization. The presence of any mineralization can only be confirmed with assaying.

The geological team has completed the core cutting and logging of holes CS25-024/24A to CS25-027 and the samples have been dispatched to the SGS Canada preparation laboratory located in Val-d'Or, QC for mineral analysis to confirm the presence of lithium.

Figure 3. Core from the Current Drill Program at Cisco Lithium Project

Sampling, Analytical Methods and QA/QC Protocols All drilling was conducted using diamond drill rig with NQ sized core and all drill core samples are shipped to SGS Canada's preparation facility in Val D'Or, Quebec, for standard sample preparation (code PRP92) which includes drying at 105°C, crushing to 90% passing 2 mm, riffle split 500 g, and pulverize 85% passing 75 microns. The pulps are then shipped by air to SGS Canada's laboratory in Burnaby, BC, where the samples are homogenized and subsequently analyzed for multi-element (including Li and Ta) using sodium peroxide fusion with ICP-AES/MS finish (code GE_ICM91A50). The reported Li grade will be multiplied by the standard conversion factor of 2.153 which results in an equivalent Li 2 O grade. Drill core was saw-cut with half-core sent for geochemical analysis and half-core remaining in the box for reference. The same side of the core was sampled to maintain representativeness.

A Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) protocol following industry best practices was incorporated into the sampling program. Measures include the systematic insertion of quartz blanks and certified reference materials (CRMs) into sample batches at a rate of approximately 5% each. Additionally, analysis of pulp-split and reject-split duplicates was completed to assess analytical precision. The QP has verified the QA/QC results of the analytical work.

Drill Hole Collar Information The summary of drill holes completed to date, including basic location and dip/azimuth is detailed below (Table 2).

  • Coordinates are in UTM NAD83, zone 18

  • All holes are NQ-Size diamond drill core

  • Azimuth and dip are reported as planned, and will deviate down-hole

  • Reported hole depths are subject to minor changes based on final core observations

Table 2. Summary of Drill Hole Collar Information, Cisco Project (CS25-024-027)

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Ignite Investment Sumit The Company will be attending the Ignite Investment Summit in Hong Kong March 26-27, 2025.

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