Qatar Donates 120 Tons of Dates for Tanzanian Refugees

DAR ES SALAAM - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today welcomed a contribution of 120 metric tons of nutritious dates from the Government of the State of Qatar to complement WFP's food assistance to nearly 200,000 Congolese and Burundian refugees in north-western Tanzania.

The nutrient-dense dates will also benefit nutritionally vulnerable refugees, such as pregnant and breastfeeding women and hospital patients.

This contribution from the State of Qatar Ministry of Municipality comes at a time when WFP is facing funding gaps resulting in only 60 percent of the required kilocalorie being given to refugees.

"We are grateful to the State of Qatar's timely gesture of support which will go a long way in providing the much-needed dietary support to those most in need," said WFP Country Director and Representative Sarah Gordon-Gibson at a handover ceremony held at Dar es Salaam port. "This donation will contribute towards the nutritional well-being of thousands of refugees."

Currently, WFP provides monthly food baskets comprising of fortified cereals, pulses, salt, and vegetable oil, to nearly 200,000 Burundian and Congolese refugees in Nduta and Nyarugusu camps in the Kigoma region. These provisions are essential to meet the basic food and nutrition needs.

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