Queensland Boosts Security with 94 New Cops, Breaks Recruitment Record

Minister for Police and Community Safety The Honourable Mark Ryan
  • 94 new police officers were sworn into the Queensland Police Service (QPS) today.
  • The cohort includes a diverse range of backgrounds and previous occupations, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the QPS.
  • Due to the surge in the number of applicants wanting to join the Queensland Police Service, an additional intake of recruits will commence in August 2024 and is expected to take the total number of recruits at the Academies to approximately 800 - the highest in Queensland history.

Almost 100 new officers graduated from the Queensland Police Academy in Oxley today, bolstering the ranks of the Queensland Police Service (QPS).

This cohort represents a wide range of backgrounds and previous occupations, enhancing the QPS with diverse skills and perspectives.

Officers of this new intake bring with them a wealth of knowledge spanning various fields including emergency services, psychological science, criminology, nursing, animal science, as well as construction, sport, fitness, and baking.

Their previous roles encompass diverse professions such as vet nurses, helicopter pilots, baristas, and dental technicians, highlighting the breadth of talent and experience now enhancing the QPS.

The QPS is amidst its largest ever recruitment campaign, with an expected 800+ recruits expected to be undergoing training by August 2024 and over 2,200 applicants progressing through the recruitment pipeline.

Due to the number of applicants wanting to join the Queensland Police Service an additional intake of recruits will also now commence in August 2024.

This extra intake of recruits is in addition to those that were already scheduled for July, two more intakes in October and another intake in November.

Today's graduation marks a significant step in boosting the capacity and capabilities of the QPS to serve the Queensland community.

The graduation comes as the QPS ramps up its interstate recruitment campaign with its State of Origin themed campaign blitz with key 'tongue-in-cheek' messaging including, "Our blues are better than yours!" and "a great set of six - better pay, better leave, better training, better leadership, better opportunities, better long service leave!"

In addition, the QPS will be hosting Open Days in both Brisbane and Townsville, showcasing the diverse career path options available with Queensland police.

Brisbane's Open Day will be held at the Bob Atkinson Operational Capabilities Centre at the Wacol Police Complex on Saturday, 20 July 2024.

Townsville's Open Day will be held at the Townsville Police Academy on Saturday, 3 August 2024.

These Open Days provide an inside look at QPS' state-of-the-art training facilities, including the driver training track and firearms range.

The Open Days provides the public with information on a career in policing, as well the opportunity to connect with specialist units such as PolAir, Dog Squad, Forensic Services Group, Water Police, Dive Squad, Stock Squad and much more.

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