Queensland Container Refund Scheme Under Inquiry

Minister for the Environment and Tourism and Minister for Science and Innovation The Honourable Andrew Powell

Parliamentary Inquiry launched into Queensland's container refund scheme

  • Crisafulli Government announces Inquiry into container refund scheme to boost recycling rates and refunds for Queenslanders.
  • Despite strong community support, the scheme has consistently fallen short of legislated recovery targets.
  • Queenslanders are invited to have their say to ensure scheme meets community needs and expectations.

The Crisafulli Government has announced a Parliamentary Inquiry into Queensland's Container Refund Scheme to boost recycling rates and put more refunds in Queenslanders' pockets.

The scheme, administered by Container Exchange, has a legislated target return rate of 85% but, despite more Queenslanders returning their eligible items, the return rate has continually fallen well short of that target.

COEX's 2023-24 annual report reveals an annual recovery rate of 67.4%, and the recovery rate for the first two quarters of this financial year is 62.7% – around 20% shy of legislated targets.

The former Labor Government failed to review the program to determine why the numbers were falling short, but the Crisafulli Government is delivering a fresh start by reviewing how the program can be lifted to meet the targets.

Labor's dwindling recovery rates are another example of a long list of environmental failures, which also include failing to meet targets for protected areas.

Minister for the Environment and Tourism and Minister for Science and Innovation Andrew Powell said the Inquiry would help identify how the program could be improved to put more refunds in Queenslanders' pockets.

"The Crisafulli Government is committed to boosting recycling through Containers for Change, saving recyclables from landfill and delivering more refunds to Queenslanders," Minister Powell said.

"We promised a fresh start for Queensland and that includes getting Containers for Change back on track so more Queenslanders can benefit from refunds.

"We need to understand why the program has fallen short of its targets under the former government and how it can be improved to deliver more benefits for Queenslanders.

"The Inquiry will also assess deposit location coverage, to help boost Queenslanders' access.

"Unlike the Labor which was more focused on environmental platitudes than environmental outcomes, the Crisafulli Government is focused on delivering for Queenslanders.

"That's why I'm inviting all Queenslanders to have their say on the scheme and how we can make it even better."

Since the scheme's establishment in 2017, the former Labor Government failed to undertake any comprehensive examination into how it the scheme was operating.

The Inquiry will examine the current state and operation of the scheme, its efficiency and effectiveness in delivering on its legislative objects.

The Parliamentary Committee will be tasked with delivering a report by August 2025.

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