Queensland Man Charged: Vaping, Indecent Act on Flight

A Queensland man is expected to appear before Southport Magistrates Court today (3 March, 2025), charged with allegedly vaping and committing an indecent act on a flight bound for the Gold Coast last December.

AFP officers at Gold Coast Airport responded to a request from an airline on New Year's Eve (31 December, 2024), after it had arrived from Melbourne.

It will be alleged the man, 24, vaped into his jumper during the flight and inappropriately touched a female passenger when she returned from the bathroom. The passenger alerted airline staff to the incident, who then notified the AFP.

The man was charged with:

  • One count of smoking on an aircraft, contrary to section 91.530 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
  • One count of an act of indecency without consent, contrary to section 60(1) of the Crimes Act 1900 (ACT).

If convicted, the man faces a maximum fine of $2500 for vaping and a maximum penalty of seven years' jail for committing an incident act.

AFP Gold Coast Airport Commander Mark Yarrow said passengers and workers should expect to feel safe while travelling and should not have to witness intoxication, violence or bad behaviour.

"This appalling conduct will never be tolerated by the AFP, and we will ensure individuals who engage in this kind of behaviour are held accountable for their actions," Det a/Supt Yarrow said.

"This case is an example of how one person's inappropriate behaviour can have a direct impact on those around them.

"If you witness anyone doing the wrong thing, we urge you to call the AFP immediately on 131 AFP (131 237) and report it."

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