Queensland Shines at Australian Tourism Awards

Minister for the Environment and Tourism and Minister for Science and Innovation The Honourable Andrew Powell

Queensland takes centre stage at Australian Tourism Awards

  • Queensland tourism operators make a splash at the Australian Tourism Awards.
  • Queensland clinching six gold, three silver, and three bronze awards, in one of the State's best ever hauls.
  • The Sunshine State very much open for business after wild weather this year.

Queensland has taken centre stage at this year's Australian Tourism Awards, claiming one of its best ever hauls at the coveted event.

Sunshine State tourism operators walked away with six gold, three silver, and three bronze awards, once again reiterating Queensland's home to some of the best visitor experiences in the world.

The awards include best luxury offering for an ecotourism retreat, best unique dining experience and best Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experience.

Minister for the Environment and Tourism Andrew Powell said the results were a testament to the dedication, innovation, and resilience of the State's tourism sector.

"A huge congratulations to our tourism operators who showcase the best of what Queensland has to offer," Minister Powell said.

"While it's been a challenging time due to recent weather events, Queensland is very much open for business and ready for tourists to visit once more.

"Tourism is not just a holiday, it's a vital part of our economy, with the industry employing one in 12 Queenslanders and contributing $95 million every day.

"Our Government is determined to restore Queensland to the number one destination in Australia."

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