The state will receive $21.7 million under the program's 2023-24 funding round.
The Black Spot Program funds safety measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at locations where a number of serious crashes are known to have occurred, or are at risk of occurring.
These 38 Black Spot projects will make an important contribution towards reducing serious injuries and deaths on Queensland's roads, and build on previous investments in the state.
Black Spot Consultative Panels provide the opportunity for stakeholders to have a say in the project selection process, and ensure that nominations of the highest priority and importance to the local community are recommended for approval.
The panel that reviews priorities for the program in Queensland includes representatives from the Queensland Police Service, Local Government Association of Queensland, Royal Automobile Club of Queensland, Queensland Trucking Association, Bicycle Queensland, Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety (Queensland University of Technology), Traffic Management Association of Australia, the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia and the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.