Queensland Tourism Gears Up for 2032 Olympic Boom

Minister for the Environment and Tourism and Minister for Science and Innovation The Honourable Andrew Powell

Queensland Tourism poised for growth of Olympic proportions in lead up to 2032

  • Queensland tourism reaches record $35.3 billion overnight visitor expenditure.
  • Domestic overnights visitors booming thanks to "bleisure" travel.
  • 2032 Delivery Plan provides certainty to boost to international visitor numbers.

The Crisafulli Government has welcomed the latest National and International Visitor Surveys for the year ending December 2024, showing Queensland's tourism industry recovering to pre-Covid levels.

Queensland reached a record $35.3 billion in total overnight visitor expenditure from domestic and international tourists in figures compiled by Tourism Research Australia.

Business visitation was the greatest contributor to this growth, with visitors choosing to combine their work with pleasure in a phenomenon known as "bleisure" amongst tourism operators.

Queensland reached record levels of overnight visitor expenditure from New Zealand, Korea, India and France, with China still the number one international market.

The Crisafulli Government's visionary 20 Year Tourism Plan will be critical in shaping the State's global appeal and allow Queensland to capitalise on tourism opportunities ahead of the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Minister for the Environment and Tourism Andrew Powell welcomed the results but said they showed there was still more room for growth in Queensland tourism.

"The green and gold runway leading up to the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games is the perfect opportunity to bring home the gold for Queensland," Minister Powell said.

"We know we have the most stunning scenery in the country, and many of the best operators in the business.

"Our success at the recent Australian Tourism Awards proved that.

"Now with the world spotlight firmly on our State, we have an unparalleled opportunity to ensure Queensland is returned as the number one tourism destination in Australia.

"By ensuring events are spread across the State, visitors coming for the Olympics will have a chance to see more of Queensland and spread the word about what we have to offer."

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