Rain eases for New South Wales while flood warnings continue


Current as at 11:00AM AEDT on Wednesday 9 March 2022

Heavy rainfall has eased in New South Wales, however numerous flood warnings remain current across eastern New South Wales with flood peaks at locations still to occur. An east coast low is stting off the Illawarra coast with severe weather warnings in place for damaging winds, including Sydney and the Illawarra.

While the rain is easing, rivers may continue to rise with some areas seeing levels higher than March 2021. This includes the Hawkesbury/Nepean Rivers and Colo River, with major flood warnings, with levels at or higher than March 2021. Other rivers with major flood warnings include the Hunter and Wollombi Brook, impacting Bulga this morning and Singleton today, and the Barwon River, impacting Mungindi.

Due to recent rainfall, soils are saturated and rivers are swollen so severe thunderstorms and persistent showers are more likely to lead to landslides, and flash and riverine flooding. Gusty winds are also more likely to lead to trees and powerlines falling, due to soft soils.

Thunderstorms are expected to develop over the north-east of New South Wales from about midday. Severe thunderstorms are possible across far north-east New South Wales during the afternoon and evening with a south-easterly change making them likely near the Queensland border. Damaging wind gusts, heavy rainfall and large hail are possible with these severe thunderstorms.

Communities are encouraged to keep up to date with the latest forecasts and warnings on the Bureau's website and BOM Weather app and to follow the advice of emergency services.

NSW video news release: http://we.tl/t-uby6udD4NQ

NSW audio news release: http://we.tl/t-y7TltBKbYH

/Bureau of Meteorology Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.